Sunday Services
- 9:00am – Adult Bible Study and Children’s Sunday School
- 10:30am – Divine Service
- Communion is served on the first, third and fifth Sundays as well as feast days.
- Services are live-streamed on Zoom and are available the next day on Facebook. Past services are available on Facebook as well.
- The Bulletin for this Sunday
Bible Study
- Sunday mornings at 9:00 am – The Book of Romans
- Wednesday mornings at 10 am – I Corinthians
- Wednesday evenings at 5:45pm – Seculosity by David Zahl
- Thursday mornings at 10 am on Zoom – Galatians (Email Pastor Smith for the link)
- Thursday evenings at 7 pm on Zoom – Archaeology of the Holy Land (Email Pastor Smith for the link)
Advent and Lenten Services
We have Advent dinners and services every Wednesday in December until Christmas, and Lenten services from Ash Wednesday until Easter.
- 5:15pm – Dinner provided by the church
- 6:15pm – Evening Vespers in the sanctuary
Our Services
We follow the liturgy of the Lutheran Church as found in the Lutheran Service Book. Because this service has roots going back to Christ himself, it connects us with generations of Christianity as we worship “surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses” (Heb 12:1) gathered around Christ’s Word and Sacraments.
Holy Communion
We are blessed to have the Lord feed us through the miracle of His Supper! In this meal of grace, Jesus gives us His true body with the bread we eat and His true blood with the wine we drink in order to forgive our sins, strengthen our faith, and renew our lives! All baptized Christians who believe this and have been instructed are invited to partake of His precious meal. Children and adults who have not yet received communion instruction are encouraged to come forward for a blessing. If you have any questions, please see the pastor or an elder, we would love to meet you. Gluten-free wafers are available on request. Both the Common Cup and Individual Cups are offered. For those unable to drink wine, there is grape juice in the center ring of each Communion tray.