Caregiver Support Group
Our support group for caregivers meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 1:00pm. This group is for anyone who is a caregiver and not just members of Faith.
Prayer Groups
We have several prayer groups that provide fellowship, mutual encouragement, and prayer for one another and the community.
- Women’s prayer group meets on the third Monday of the month at 10:00am
- Men’s Prayer group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00am
- Parents Prayer Group meets via Zoom on the third Saturday of the month. This group is for parents of school age children.
Faith Quilters
Our quilters meet every second and fourth Mondays from January to November from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Feeding the Hungry
Our dedicated KARM team prepares and serves meals at the Knoxville Rescue Mission every 6-8 weeks. They leave church on Saturday about 9:00am. See the sign-up sheet in the narthex for dates.